Fares Loading Services

Air Fare Loading

Airlines, Travel Consolidators and Travel Agents all around the world are always on the look out for the best possible fares and deals for their clients. In order to circulate the special negotiated fares to a select group of consolidators & travel agencies, one needs to successfully be able to display the same. A winning combination is getting a fare from the Airline and successfully loading and managing the same to the satisfaction of the end users.

We are an expert in fare loading. We load fares into ATPCO, Galileo Agency Private Fares, Amadeus FareXpert, Sabre MyFares, WorldSpan Securate and in house software applications.

Hotel Rates Loading

We load Hotel Rates for some of our consolidators in their in built softwares to allow them to promote their inclusive tour packages.

Maintenance of Multi Product Databases

ABS provides background research to Auxiliary products such as cars, hotels, cruises, theme parks etc which is maintained and updated in a live environment.